Month: November 2020
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The World Is Not Flat
Climatologists should recognize:
The World Is Not Flat.
Post: November 30, 2020
It has been some time since Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 – 1543) was able to lay the foundations for understanding that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the universe, by convincing a few of his ccontemporaries that the Earth was a spinning ball and not flat. Eventually the subsequent generations accepted the view. Particularly for earth sciences a breakthrough, encouraging all disciplines to keep an eye on the whole picture. However, if it comes to the climate debate, one may could ask, whether science has focused its research and analysis too closely, which could raise the impression that the climate debate is based on view comparable with those before Copernicus: The Earth Is Flat.
The climate change debate heavily focuses on the atmosphere. That is the domain of meteorology, focusing on atmospheric physics and weather forecasting, since the 19th Century. In brief, ‘climatology’ emerged much later (since the 1950th) and process meteorological data statistically. For these camps, the global warming is an atmospheric issue, based primarily on the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. But it is by far too narrow to discuss the undeniable global warming since the end of the Little Ice Age (about 1850) on such narrow terms. The oceans play a very dominate role, and are often ignored with meaningless wording “Natural Variability”.
A recent paper by Indrani Roy titled: “Major Climate Variability and Natural Factors in Boreal Winter”, (Springer-Link; Jun082020)* concludes:
A rising trend of global temperature is noticed during periods of 1860–1880, 1917–1944 and 1979–1997 which suggest that the Sun, explosive volcanos and ENSO(El Nino Southern Oscillation) have roles in regulating global temperature; and
…..the solar, NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) and ENSO relationship needs to be investigated with additional care.
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